Wednesday, March 24, 2010

A New Article in Newsweek about VBACs.


  1. Very interesting article. I can't imagine walking in somewhere and them telling me that they don't ALLOW it - especially just because of money. If you don't mind me asking, why did you end up with a C section with Kaden?

  2. I now believe my c-section was unnecessary. I was induced because I was "overdue" at 41+ weeks (though I now know that you're not technically overdue until you go PAST 42 weeks). It was basically a failed induction, I would dilate past a 5, so they broke my water and that caused Kaden's cord to be compressed and decels of his heartbeat that caused enough concern that they suggested I get a spinal block and then less than a half hour later I was in surgery. Having read all I have since then, and with the rates of failed inductions, etc. I wish I had been better prepared last time and would have just waited to go into labor on my own and avoided the whole mess. Ugh. And yeah, they told me that I was "no longer a candidate for VBAC if the external monitoring didn't work correctly", though NO studies show a decrease in fetal or maternal death with the use of constant fetal monitoring. Ugh. So, what? They just wheel me into surgery if we can't pick up a heartbeat often enough? Lovely. I hope I can stay home a LONG time before I have to go in this time around.

  3. Geez. It's actually scary to think about all the unknowns when you go in for something like that - not unknowns like things that could go wrong, but unknowns as in the things they'll make you do in the blink of an eye and say you have no choice in. That definitely makes me want to educate myself to the fullest extent before going into that. I really hope the people you're working with will be supportive and cooperate with your wishes. So many people aren't genuinely interested in their patients' best interests anymore, rather they just want a quick buck and to do the least amount of work possible.

  4. Oh, also meant to say I've never been a fan of pushing things that your body is supposed to do naturally. So I totally hear you on wanting to let your body do its thing. I know it's "done all the time" now, but case in point with Kaden - just the thought of inducing a body to do something earlier than it's ready - something just doesn't seem right about that. And like you said, it basically didn't work out how they say it's "supposed to" - yours sounds like a textbook story for one of those VBAC articles. Or more so I guess, an article on natural births and why you should let your body do its thing.
