Last night I decided I was going to make Broccoli soup for dinner. Partly because it is healthy and we are trying, with the vast array of food options available to us, to eat as healthy as possible. And also because it is one of the few recipes in my recipe stash for which I actually had all of the ingredients!
So I make the soup and then get to the “now put it all in the blender” step and remember that I do not own a blender… sooooo, we had Broccoli Stew instead! Haha. It was pretty good. Made some biscuits to eat with it, tasty.
Kaden loves all things that are NOT supposed to be toys. I know all kids love boxes, and my kid decided he was not to be left out! Marcia sent us this box and he has been loving it for days now!
I am not sure what we are doing this weekend, but tonight Stu and I are going to this place called 49ers. It is supposed to have the best steak in town. It is at the top of one of the hotels downtown, so we are going on a date. (Though, all dates still include Sir! Haha)
Other than that, no idea what this weekend will have in store for us. Last weekend we talked to Josh about maybe going to Dubai for this coming weekend, but I haven’t heard anything else about that this week, so it is probably a no-go.
Kaden and I haven’t done a whole heck of a lot this week. We ate at the Bite Rite café which is next door to the apartments. One of the hospitals here took the initiative to make weight-loss an issue and opened up this café. Each entrée has been created by a dietician and is healthy. It was ok. Tasted healthy, lol. I had a grilled chicken sandwich and, like everything else in this country, it came with cucumber. I am not a fan. Other than that it has been good. I think when Sir wakes up we will have some lunch and clean some… finish doing laundry. If we go anywhere or do anything of note this weekend, I will be sure to take pictures! :)
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