Monday, September 15, 2008

Reading Material.

Kaden is such a little devil! This is him this morning… the reason why Mommy never gets a chance to enjoy her tea and has to keep cleaning it up off the couch and floor:

After realizing he was "caught".

Climbing back up for another go at it.

Acting sweet and innocent and telling me a story to distact me from his real plan.

Also, I just wanted to mention what an utter loser I am. I get some magazines from my aunts and grandma on occasion and this past week Marcia sent me a bunch. I saw that there were some Smithsonian and some Oprah and whatnot, but I went to pick one up yesterday called “More”. I was half-way through reading it thinking how great this magazine was and wondering how I’d missed it thus far, when I realized the front of it says that it is a magazine for women over 40! Lol. Go figure that my 40-at-23 self would pick up 'menopausal magazine' and feel that it was made for me! Haha. So, needless to say, I found some great recipes and money-saving tips and the like throughout the magazine. It was great. A new favorite.

While on the subject of magazines, it is seriously SOOOO awesome that you guys send them! During Kaden's naps I get my fill of the latest gossip from People and fabulous recipes from Southern Lady. I LOVE it! Also kudos to Mary-Leah for the box of books. I never would have picked up any of them on my own. I just finished The Husband by Dean Koontz… I had stopped trying to read his books because he always felt so dark and depressing and way too “fantasy” for my literal mind. But this book was great. Finished it in two days and didn’t sleep much those nights just waiting to wake up and dive back into it again.

Just before that I read The Space Between Us by Thrity Umrigar. VERY good. When I first picked it up I felt so uncomfortable by the way the people treat each other, both with words and actions. It is a book based in India and it examines the differences between the very poor and the middle class of Bombay. Very interesting, very heart-wrenching. I felt that I might as well have been right there as detailed as it all was. If you’ve ever (or never, really) been curious about taking a look into Indian life, definitely pick up this book. It’s a quick read too, so even if you hate it, it will all be over soon. Heh. (But you won’t.)

1 comment:

  1. your son is so cute!!! and thanks for the book tips! i'm going to look into those books as well : )
