Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Boise Homicide.

Finally back to work and feeling much better. Unfortunately I also had to return to work and a full day of school as well, which is much harder than just putting in my eight hours and then going home, so I think it made the day worse that it was just SO long. But, it is nice to feel like I am finally on the mend.

So, in super creepy news, last night there were three “incidences” around 8 at night in Boise in three different spots. Today it came to light that they were all likely related. So, apparently, (and of course information is still coming to light so I am sure there is plenty that is not public yet) this guy rear-ended a car on Vista and Canal around 8 at night and then when he decided to run, as he drove around the guy he hit, he shot at him, blowing out his own car window and striking the car he hit.

Then, to got on the freeway and got off on Franklin where witnesses called in to dispatch about a man in his car apparently injured. Turns out this guy was shot in the head and was in the lanes of traffick, dying. He died less than two hours later at the hospital. In the meantime, the two incidents appear to be related, but cops are looking for a way to tie the first guy to the second incident.

THEN, around the same time, RIGHT BY MY HOUSE, police got a call from the first guy’s Dad and stepmom, saying the first guy was in their front yard yelling and screaming that he was going to hurt them. Around the same time, the guy fled on foot and dispatch got a bunch of calls from people saying someone was trying to get into cars and homes, testing for unlocked doors. Police sent out a autodial call to residents in the area telling then to lock their doors. They set up a perimeter and finally around 11 PM found him hiding in the back yard of an unoccupied daycare 6 houses away from my house!!! Dude. It is so freaky that crime that that happens this close to where my babies play and live.

It was weird too, because right around that time I was going to wake Stu up because I was getting ready for bed and heard what sounded like the house making noises in the bathroom, but way louder than normal. There was no report of shots fired when they detained him, but I am wondering if that might have been what it was. It was just weird noises, not like any house “settling” sounds I’ve ever heard here before.

Anyway, police are still asking the public for help locating a cell phone, ammunition, and any private video surveillance that might show any of the incidences. Hopefully they get everything they need.

The guy who was killed in his car was 28-year-old Mathew Mohler-Kerns, who is a Boise State student (recent graduate and was just accepted to a master’s porgram) who is originally from Post Falls. I think what resonates most with me is that this guy is the same age as me, is from very near my home town, and is basically doing the same thing as me… working and going to school, trying to get a good education and move up in life. Life is so fragile and is so easily taken away. Just because of some crazy person (who, it has been rumored may have been under the influence of bath salts or salvia). Hug your loved ones. Life is WAY too short. 

Here's KTVB's version: http://www.ktvb.com/news/crime/Road-rage-suspect-accused-of-shooting-at-mans-car-192079421.html



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