Sunday, August 31, 2008

This Weekend.

Now that we are back here in Abu Dhabi, we’ve all been adjusting to being here again. Kaden is back to his normal sleeping schedule and Stu and I are back to our normal bedtime routine. This also unfortunately means that I am back to my (burning) baking routine. First I tried to make Brownies, but had something else going on and by the time I smelled them through two doors, they were thoroughly (on fire) done.

The next day we thought we bought another box of Brownies, but Stu had inadvertently grabbed a cake mix… so I started to make a cake. Well, apparently there was a misprint on the box because the pan it told me I was allowed to cook (you know how they give you several pan sizes and corresponding cook times?) it in DEFINITELY wasn’t big enough, and this is what happened…

Needless to say, this isn’t my baking week, as usual. I had made a really great coffee cake a few days earlier too! So lame. Anyway, since I am addicted to Bookworm Adventures, I thought it was cool that I could make this word:

Then Stu caught Kaden and I on camera playing the tickle game…

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