Saturday, November 24, 2012

Moving Day.

(Forgive the late posting… we still do not have internet access at home, so these had to wait to be posted.)

Moving Day.

The amazingly wonderful Miss Melissa showed up at the literal crack of dawn with gifts of Moxie Java for the three of us, and we set to unpacking the fridge. The movers arrived and did a fairly speedy job of leading up the heavy crap (seriously worth the expense… we’d have been moving for another month if we hadn't had their help). Stu, Melissa, and I loaded our cars until they were packed to the brim and then set off to the new house (that teeny paragraph does NOT do justice the effort and backaches that actually accompanied the move, but I’ll let it go. J)

My biggest concern was to make sure the kids’ rooms were set up before they moved in for the first time that night. I remember moving as a kid and it can be scary and weird for little kids, so I wanted it to be as “fun” as possible for them. Their rooms are freaking awesome. I will have to post pictures when I either remember my camera, or have internet at home (Tuesday), but I am super happy with how they look. They will definitely be a work in progress, but that is the nature of buying a house, so I am very open to the opportunity.

Amazingly, we did get the rooms fully functional before I had to go pick up the kids, and my amazing friends took the time I was gone to pick up pizza and the kids to vacuum and finish straightening up my house so the kids were truly “coming home.” They are amazing and I am so happy for the true, quality friends I have in my life.

The first night was a little rough. Jackson was TERRIFIED of his new room and big boy bed and was sad, waking up 3 times in the night, but by Sunday night he was good to go. The kids are LOVING the space they have now and Jasper likes it too. Stu and I are just thrilled. Things have all gone well (except for a teensy issue with the fridge threatening now to fit through the opening into the kitchen, but Melissa was certain it would fit, so we measured it and we got it to work before they dismantled the whole freaking thing). We love the room and our bedroom and bathroom and the family room is amazing, the pool table is a blast, and we are all-around just so happy. 

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