Tuesday, November 20, 2012

More House.

My parents and Maddy had to leave this morning so we said our goodbyes and then I set to work packing the kids rooms and starting on our room. This feels so slow-going. Every time I get another box packed, it seems like I've barely touched anything. But, though it's slow, progress is progress. I am happy to be doing it. Still feeling super excited to actually get to move. Stu has been over there all day installing the security system and working with the electrician and carpet cleaners, so we are even closer to actually getting moved in. Thankfully, with the carpets done, tomorrow morning when it has had enough time to dry, we can start moving things into the carpeted areas of the house and actually setting some of the smaller things up (read: NOT heavy items). I am excited to watch it begin to take shape.

I finally had a chance to post from a real computer and not my kindle, so here are some pics of the kids investigating their new digs on Friday when they got to take a peek at the house for the first time. We had a picnic of McDonald's (a rare treat) on the floor and let everyone get used to the new place.

Lila, checking out the living room.

Jackson's wasn't sure what to think at first. 

Little girl in a big room.

"Ok, these are AWESOME!"

The kids found out they can RUN through the house. :)

With no toys, they were resourceful. 

Picnic dinner in the dining room. :)

Prepping Jack's room to paint.

Lila's room, pre-paint.

Lila's room post-paint. 

Jackson's skyline. 

I need to take some more once I get back over there. I didn't get any of Kaden's room after the paint, but these are just a preview before the rooms are actually set up. :) I've been having WAY too much fun with this. Hehe.

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