Monday, June 30, 2008
Here's how you know...

Sunday, June 29, 2008
The Haji store I always go to... on the bottom left
The Mosque... look at the red and white trails that were cars' lights as the picture was being taken.)
Saturday, June 28, 2008
New Hair
I also added some pics of our nasty stove. When we first moved up to this apartment it didn't get cleaned before we moved in. At first I didn't think it was that big of deal since I'd just go ahead and clean it and that would be that. Problem is, finding abrasive cleaners here is nearly impossible. Everything we found wouldn't remove grease. FINALLY this weekend we found some really hard-core grease remover. So I just had to point out how truly disgusting our stove was. Apparently the guy who lived here before us did not believe in cleaning.
Here is the "wipe"... sick.
Kaden completely enthralled with the Marines commercial on the TV.
He learned in one day how to open all the drawers and cabinets and Mommy had to fill the drawers with his toys while Daddy took the door off the hinges so Kaden didn't break it!
REAL safe game!
Kaden's favorite toy: Mommy's phone (with the keys locked, lest we "accidentally" call the States)
He really will play with it for hours.
Happy happy baby!
Friday, June 27, 2008
Salam Alaikum

Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Calling Home

Onion Rings

So I set off in search of an onion rings recipe (I think to myself, "They can't be THAT hard to make.") and of course, every recipe either calls for BEER (yeah right) or Cornmeal. Neither of which I have, and after scouring the baking section of LuLu's, I doubt I'm going to find. So one more thing to add to the cravings list.

I also started wanting coffee cake this morning (which I DO have the ingredients for), but I convinced myself I can wait to make that until batch # 2 of the Apple Crisp is devoured.
Can't wait to get home... 42 Days till the Zero Day! :)
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Surprise surprise
Apparently Chinese food makes one very tired (though he didn’t eat it)… Kaden passed out and pretty much couldn’t be woken up… so he decided to get up this morning at almost five, then didn’t go back to sleep and wanted out of bed just after 6:00. Fun Stuff!
Kaden representin' Boise State!
View from our dining room window last night.
To eat or not to eat
About this time I am reminded of my checkout line conversations from Wal-Mart back home. You smile and nod politely. If the fellow liner has kids you make a cutesy comment about them then sneakily turn and stare in an arbitrary direction to avoid further obligatory conversation. Here, if you engage someone in line, you’re immediately their new found friend and you WILL receive and invite to continue the shenanigans at a later date, often in a seemingly shady meeting location.
So this Emirati guy (obviously Emirati based on the traditional dress he was wearing with the checkered head dress and white dishdasha, and the PERFECT English he spoke that puts my English to shame (not to mention the obvious wealth he exuded not only by the trivial things he was buying for his daughter, but the nice Mercedes-Benz-emblemed key hanging from his key ring).
After a long conversation with Stu about his service for 15 years (for the UAE Air Force) working on C130s, he invites us, if we “ever get out to Al Ain” to give him a call and come visit him. He then gives vague mention of his OTHER villa just off the island of Abu Dhabi, if we’d rather hang out there.
So on the walk back to the car Stu and I are equally baffled as to what to do. Obviously, we’d like a wealthy-local-ly-directed tour of Al Ain, but we also value our own lives (and that of our kid’s) and with the abundance of caution we’ve received regarding being diligent about our safety since we’ve been here. “Sure, we’ll come over and eat your fabulous Arabic food (cooked by a Filipina) with our right hands, in your exquisite home, but please don’t sell our beautiful blonde, blue-eyed baby on the black market.”
Anyway, just another vast difference in cultures. If I met someone in line at Wal-Mart with another kid who invited my family over for dinner I wouldn’t think twice about taking them up on the offer… here, who knows…
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Hard Rock Cafe Dubai
In light of the recent terror warnings about staying away from touristy and “western” type places in the UAE, the three of us decided to hit up Hard Rock café in Dubai! Yeah, so much for heeding warnings, eh? But we had a great time. It is retardedly difficult to get to though and we got lost twice (while we could still SEE the building, the one-ways proved to be rather difficult). Kaden loved looking around at all the stuff on the walls. This particular Hard Rock has a car suspended upside down from the ceiling. That was fun. So we got ourselves shirts and drove on home. It was so dusty in Dubai (as it has been in Abu Dhabi these past few weeks) that there were very few photo opportunities.
Once we came back to Abu Dhabi we hit up a little Souk here and got a marble chess set and marble glasses (more like goblets) for sinfully cheap. So that was cool. Then Stu had some fun with the camera and chess set.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Take THAT, baking!
So I head over to the computer to Google apple dessert recipes and I find one for an Apple Crisp. Low and behold, it turned out to not only be good, but FABULOUS! I had to force myself to leave the pan alone so Stu could have some when he got back from practice… it was a challenge, let me tell you! But it was nice to have something come out good after screwing up pre-made chocolate chips cookies.