Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Book: This Little Piggy Went to the Liquor Store.

Today my husband said (and bless his heart for saying it), “Man you sure do know how to make me look bad, don't you? You worked all day, came home, made dinner, did baths (upstairs no less), then made blueberry muffins. I can barely manage to get my kids out of jammies each day and make sure they eat lunch...”

As a note, I also managed to keep up on my awesomeness and worked out and then made Parmesan Garlic Kale Chips for snack when I REALLY wanted the Cheetos Stu went to the store and picked up. I felt pretty proud of myself.

After bath (Stu was at class), the kids and I all got to have said blueberry muffins for snack and they all freaking loved them. Then the three kids ate damn near an entire flat of raw blueberries before I finally had to cut them off for fear of screwing up their digestive systems.

I also finished the book I was reading, which I HAVE to tell you (and everyone I encounter) about. It is called This Little Piggy Went to the Liquor Store by A.K. Turner. This woman is a freaking riot. She is now a Boisean, which is both ironic (I had no idea this was the case until I was a few chapters in and she mentions that they relocated to Boise and now live here) and awesome, because you can fully picture the places she mentions, which makes it all the more real and relate-able.

The best part of the book is that she has girl versions of Kaden and Jackson. I swear to God, the way she describes the personalities and temperaments (and sleep schedules) of her girls, they are clones of my boys. Her oldest daughter, Emilia, was a “good” baby and slept through the night after several months, etc. She is independent and witty and probably too smart for her own good (so Kaden). Ivy, on the other hand, is Jackson’s twin. They went through the same struggles we did with non-sleeping, including, as we did, resulting to seeing specialists, assuming there was a medical reason for her lack of sleep, and to locking her in her room during the night. She is unapologetic about her alcohol consumption and acknowledges that she is probably not a contender for mother of the year. But this is exactly what is so endearing and “real life” about the book. Real moms DO feel like shitty parents a lot of the time, and we DO resort to alcohol in the evenings from time to time. Real Moms could never hope to be (or, let’s be honest, even care about being) mother of the year, and yet, we want what is best for our kids. We want them to be happy and healthy, and hopefully more well-adjusted than we are.

I absolutely recommend this book to any Mom who has ever felt that they are stumbling along through parenthood, yet have managed to produce basically well-behaved, healthy, and happy kids without the use of Mozart lullabies in the womb, or restricted TV viewing until age two.

Here is the link to the Amazon page of the book. Buy it. Read it. Love it. 

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