Thursday, May 21, 2009

Play Dough and Toilet Paper Rolls.

Kaden has been pretty bored lately so I started planning a new activity each day. It seems to help a smidge, but he’s still very frustrated a lot during the day. It doesn’t help that I feel as trapped as he does by the obnoxious heat outside. We tried going up on the roof today and after about 5 minutes he looked like he was going to get heat stroke and he said “home” over and over. That’s just no fun.

So today we got to play with play dough for the first time, which was cute. Though messy. Here he is in the new world of play dough!

And then he was whining later in the day, so I went into the bathroom and rescued two toilet paper holders that we then “colored”, which Kaden thought was the COOLEST idea. I was thinking they could be any number of things with the right additions. It’s amazing how creative you have to become as the parent of a bored child (without resorting to TV).

Oh, I also finished another James Patterson book (cowritten by Howard Roughan) called You've Been Warned. It was crappy. The story itself was kind of odd-feeling the whole time and you just knew something was off about it. It ends as thinly veiled preaching about sinning and what will happen to you if you committ crimes against God. Spare me. The book essentially was a description of one girl's version of Hell. Such a disappointment. I started reading Step on a Crack last night. This one best be better or I'm going to be unhappy about wasted time I can't get back again.


  1. Hiya,
    Have a look at this site - there are lots of ideas (some are a bit advanced for your little one, but you can always adapt them!!) Have fun!!

  2. Try taping those two toilet paper holders together and make "binoculars"! :)

  3. So You've Been Warned sucked. I loved Honeymoon. There's just something about a black widow that makes me giggle. =] Really though, you need to get on the Women's Murder Club series. I didn't like it at first, but in the last month I've gone back and devoured 6 out of the 8 books in the series. They're easy, and sometimes predictable reads, but good nonetheless.

  4. I have a pkg. ready to send. I listed "toys" for some of the contents, but actually, there aren't any toys!! Well, toys for mom and dad, but not for our little man! The next box will have his blankets and maybe a couple of other things FOR HIM!! So, just don't read aloud that there are toys in the box and have him disappointed!! haha Just a warning.... That's so cute with the play dough...but as I've always said (after your mom left some of that crap on the couch in Nogales, the sun shining brightly ON the couch, and it melted into the back of the couch seats and down behind the bottom)..NO MORE PLAY DOUGH IN MY HOUSE...EVER!! hahaha MO gave me some one time for Hayley and I promptly threw it away! Thank goodness she was too young to notice! haha Have fun! Love you.

  5. Yay - playdough!!! Soo much fun!
